Mir Showkat/Ganderbal
As per the directions of National Legal Services Authority and J&K Legal Services Authority, National Lok Adalat was organized on 09.03.2024 in District Ganderbal under the Chairmanship of Mr. Ritesh Kumar Dubey and under the guidance of Ms. Nusrat Ali Hakak, Secretary District Legal Services Authority Ganderbal.
To dispose of Pre-Litigation matters and Pending court cases by compromise/amicable settlement, total 04 benches were constituted for the said Lok Adalat comprising of Presiding Officers and Other Members.
The 1st bench was comprised of Mr. Fayaz Ahmad Qureshi, CJM Ganderbal, & Advocate Mr. Sofi Abdul Samad, 2nd bench by Ms. Mainaaz Qadir, Additional Special Mobile Magistrate, Ganderbal & Advocate Mr. Kounsar Syed Masoodi, , 3rd bench by Mohd. Waseem Mirza, Munsiff/JMIC Ganderbal & Advocate Mr. Younis Saleem Wani, and 04th Bench by Mr. Easar Ul Nabi, Munsiff/JMIC Kangan & Advocate Mr. Suheel Ahmad Mir.
Overall, 1,160 Pre-Litigation matters and Pending court cases were taken up for settlement in the Pre Lok-Adalats and National Lok-Adalat out of which 1,073 cases were amicably settled/Compromised on spot and an amount of Rs 74,23,407/- was awarded as settlement amount in Bank Recovery Cases, Electricity matters, MACT cases, 138 NI Act cases and other cases.